Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Don't Be Afraid! - It's the Bear & The Teeny Tiny Woman

Don't Be Afraid - God is Bigger Than Your Fears

Introduction: For an object lesson, fill a bowl with some water. Sprinkle some pepper over the surface of the water. Explain that the pepper represents bad things in our lives, like being afraid, danger, and sin. Pour a single drop of dishwashing liquid in the center of the water. Explain that the drop of soap represents God living in our lives. Watch with the children as the pepper is instantly repelled and sent to the edges of the bowl. Tell the children that having God in our hearts is like the soap chasing the pepper away; God's holiness (goodness) repels (makes go away) sin, evil, and bad things that come against us.

Story #1: The Teeny Tiny Woman by Paul Galdone. Enjoy this classic with the children and take some time to discuss some of their fears and experiences with them.

Song: "God Is Bigger Than the Boogeyman" from Veggie Tales "Veggie Tunes" CD.

Bible Verse Bracelets: (Print out, on a brightly-colored sheet of paper, today's verse repeated down the page. Cut between each verse so that you have 10-15 strips, (make as many as you anticipate needing,) each with the verse printed on it. Ask the children to form a line, and using tape to stick the ends together, wrap a "Bible Verse Bracelet" round each little wrist. Some children do not want to wear it; in that case, hand it to them and tell them to use the verse as a bookmark. The children love these, and come to expect them at each session! The verses also find their way home to parents and siblings, and help to spread the news about the storytime topic.) 

James 4:7b-8a: "Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." Take a moment to discuss this verse with the children to help them understand its implications.

Song: "Prove It #1" and "Jesus Is the Mighty Mighty King" from Colin Buchanan's "Follow the Saviour" CD.

Story: It's the Bear! by Jez Alborough. Who is more frightened - the little boy Eddy or the great big silly bear?

Activity: "Goin' on a Bear Hunt" chant. This familiar children's tale will let them experience some make-believe fear while encouraging them that it's all in good fun. Have the children repeat each phrase and perform motions after you:

"We're going on a bear hunt, and we're going to catch a big one!"

"I'm not's a beautiful day!"

"Uh-oh! Grass! Long wavy grass! Can't go over it! Can't go under it! Gotta go through it!" (Pretend to trudge through long thick grass.)

(Repeat again:) "We're going on a bear hunt, and we're going to catch a big one! I'm not's a beautiful day!"

"Uh-oh! Mud! Thick gooey mud! Can't go through it! Can't go over it! Have to go around it! (Make an exaggerated to-do about going around a LARGE mud puddle.)

(Repeat opening lines.)

"Uh-oh! A river! A wide, deep river! Can't go under it! Can't go around it! Gotta swim through it! (Pretend to swim across a strong current.)

(Repeat opening lines between each action. Other obstacles could include climbing over a mountain, slinking through a thick forest, crawling through a hollow log, and finally ending in the bear's cave:)

"Uh-oh! A cave! A dark, scary cave! Can't go under it! Can't climb over it! Must go INTO it! Oh no! What's that? (Pretend to feel way through the dark and bump into something.) It's furry! Cold, wet nose! ("Feel" bear's nose.) Giant paws! (Grow increasingly "panicked.") Sharp, snarling teeth! It's a BEAR! RUN!!"

Pretend to run (in place) with the children as you repeat each obstacle in reverse: go out of the cave, swim back through the river, jump around the big mud hole, trudge back through the long grass, until you're all safely back home!!

Prayer: "Thank you, Jesus, for always being with us and for telling us we do not have to be afraid of anything. Help us to learn how to live closely with You. Amen."

Art: Bear's Picnic Collages: Collect a variety of photos from magazines related to picnics, lunches, etc. Give each child a piece of sturdy construction paper and a glue stick and let them choose "picnic" photos to make a bear's picnic collage. You might want to include some scraps of picnic table cloth or other items to help with the picnic theme.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Precious and the Boo Hag - Halloween & Childhood Fears

Title: Precious and the Boo Hag, by Patricia C. McKissack and Onawumi Jean Moss

Word Density: Moderate

My recommended age-appropriateness: Preschool to 12

Preschool Themes:
1. Scary Stories.
2. African-American stories.
3. Being Brave.
4. Halloween.
5. Doing what is right.

Christian Themes:
1. Obedience.
2. Evil can come like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
3. Fear.
4. Spiritual authority in Jesus.

Precious is a strong-willed and imaginative child left at home alone while her family is out in the fields working. She's had a sick stomach and as a result, is left home to recuperate and do some light chores. Her mother admonishes Precious to stay out of her stuff, keep the place neat, and. above all, "don't let nothing and nobody in this house!" But Precious's brother sees an opportunity to have some fun. He warns her that there's a Boo Hag lurking around that will do anything "to make you disobey yo' mama." Suspicious of the truth to her brother's claims, and nearly reassured by a precocious friend who pops by, Precious begins poking around in her mother's best clothes and having a marvelous time having the house all to herself. It doesn't take too long, though, for an uninvited guest to try to come in. Precious rallies herself, and in a test of character that would make her mama proud, the little girl discerns and foils every evil trick the Boo Hag tries on her. The story ends with a victorious, if slightly scary, note. The delightful deep-South African-American diction and the beautiful and original mixed-media illustrations combine with a fun and playfully frightening tale to make Precious and the Boo Hag a fun addition to any storytime.

Scripture connections:
1. Romans 16:19 (New Century Version) "All the believers have heard that you obey, so I am very happy because of you. But I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil."
2. Matthew 7:15 (New Century Version) "Be careful of false prophets. They come to you looking gentle like sheep, but they are really dangerous like wolves."
3. Joshua 1:9 (NIV) "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
4. Luke 10:19 (NKJV) "Behold, I give you the authority... over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Song Suggestions:
1. "Be Strong and Courageous" by Colin Buchanan from his "Jesus Rocks the World" CD. Published by Wanaaring Road Music.
2. "You Got to Do What the Lord Says" by Colin Buchanan from his "Follow the Saviour" CD. Published by Wanaaring Road Music. Hear samples and view ordering information at Word Australia.
3. "God Is Bigger Than the Boogeyman" by Veggie Tales.    

Let the children draw pictures of their own "Boo Hags," and "boogeymen." Reassure them that this lesson teaches them to NOT be afraid. Give each child your chosen Bible verse and let them paste it onto the bottom of their creations.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Tiny Seed - Autumn - Everything Has a Season

Autumn / Everything Has a Season...The Tiny Seed

Basket of Colorful Fall Leaves

Introduction: Show the children a collection of leaves and other Fall items. Discuss how God made the trees and the seasons. Talk about how trees change throughout the seasons.

Fall Fingerplay:
Red and yellow, green and brown (count off colors on fingers)
Leaves are falling to the ground (simulate falling leaves with hands)
We pile them up, oh so high ("pile" leaves with hands)
Then we JUMP in (pretend to jump in leaves)
My friends and I!

Story: Ten Tall Oaktrees, by Richard Edwards. Discuss how God wants us to care for the Earth He created. Discuss ways we can care for the Earth.

Song: "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," from "Sunday School Songs" recording by Cedarmont Kids.

Fall Song/Game: "The Leaves on the Trees" (tune: "The Wheels on the Bus")

Form a circle with the children then sing:

"The leaves on the trees came tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down (flutter hands down while singing...)

The leaves on the trees came tumbling down, all over town (flutter hands down then turn around.)"

"The leaves on the trees are red, red, red. Red, red, red. Red, red, red (everyone wearing red goes to center of circle and shake themselves...)

The leaves on the trees are red, red, red...all over town."

Repeat for orange, yellow, green, brown, and purple (or any other colors, until all children have had a chance to be in the center of the circle.)

 The Tiny Seed, by Eric Carle. Briefly discuss the significance of a plant's life cycle.

Bible Verse Bracelets: (Print out, on a brightly-colored sheet of paper, today's verse repeated down the page. Cut between each verse so that you have 10-15 strips, each with the verse printed on it. Ask the children to form a line, and using tape to stick the ends together, wrap a "Bible Verse Bracelet" round each little wrist. Some children do not want to wear it; in that case, hand it to them and tell them to use the verse as a bookmark. The children love these, and come to expect them at each session! The verses also find their way home to parents and siblings, and help to spread the news about the storytime topic.)

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."

Prayer: "Thank you, God, for the trees, and for the different seasons You created. Help us to take care of the beautiful world You made. Amen."

Art: Leaf Rubbings.
Use a variety of boldly-textured leaves. Help the children place paper over the leaves and make colorful rubbings using pencil, chalk, and/or pastels.

Fall Leaf #4 Clip Art